How to License the Universal Naturist Symbol
The symbol below has been released for all to use to represent their affiliation with Naturism. I maintain rights as the creator of the symbol. However, you are free to use it in any way you please.

If you choose to make a new version of it, you will need to indicate that you have created a derivative of my work. By creating a new derivative, you are also agreeing to allow others to derive new work from your version, and so on.
You do not need to cite credit to me to simply use it online in your social media profiles, websites, etc. You do not need to ask for permission to create a t-shirt or a hat or other items, even if you will be selling those items to others. You can super-impose the symbol on your photos. You can combine it with the logo for your club or business.
But if there is any question as to where the symbol originated, that is with me.
Team Naturist Logo by Jacob Braun is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
The Team Naturist website for the Naturist Logo is here: